Young couple holding hands with two young children between them

Ask the Attorney: Should I Leave Everything to My Spouse? (Spoiler — Your Kids May Never Get It)

Leaving all your assets to your spouse seems like the easiest and best decision; you want them to remain financially stable after you’ve passed, and you trust that they will make sound decisions. If you have children, you may assume that your spouse will pass on an inheritance to them, as you...

Ask the Attorney: Should I Leave Everything to My Spouse? (Spoiler — Your Kids May Never Get It) Continue reading…
middle aged couple working on legal documents and financials

Tailoring Your Estate: Customizing a Dynasty Trust to Reflect Your Values and Goals

Your estate plan is more than just a legal vehicle through which you transfer assets to your loved ones after your death. The method you choose to accomplish this overarching goal communicates to your heirs and beneficiaries your values. Ensuring any estate plan reflects your goals is important, but with a dynasty...

Tailoring Your Estate: Customizing a Dynasty Trust to Reflect Your Values and Goals Continue reading…
senior couple meets with financial advisor

End-of-Year Checklist: Essential Items You Need to Include in Your Estate Plan

Creating an estate plan isn’t usually a one-and-done event. Estate plans require occasional reviews with an estate planning attorney to ensure documents are accurate and continue to reflect your desires. The end of the year is the perfect time to go over your estate plan and make any necessary changes.

End-of-Year Checklist: Essential Items You Need to Include in Your Estate Plan Continue reading…
woman signing will

Ensure Your Final Wishes Are Honored: Opt for a Revocable Living Trust Over a Will

Planning for the future is essential, and at OC Wills & Trusts, we understand the importance of ensuring your final wishes are honored. While wills are a common tool for estate planning, a revocable living trust offers distinct advantages that can better serve your needs. This blog explores why a revocable...

Ensure Your Final Wishes Are Honored: Opt for a Revocable Living Trust Over a Will Continue reading…