How to Talk to Your Elderly Loved One About Moving Into a Nursing Home

Talking to our parents or elderly loved ones about moving into a senior living community, such as a nursing home, can be difficult and should be approached with great care. While we want to provide our elderly relatives with the best support and care possible, sometimes we are unable to do so ourselves and need to seek out more intensive solutions. A nursing home can provide a safe and supportive environment for our aging loved ones. These facilities have staff members trained to address the unique needs of the elderly. Taking steps to help ensure you properly broach the subject of moving into a nursing home with an elderly loved one can make the conversation more productive as well as set the stage to make the major life transition of moving into a senior living facility.

How to Talk to Your Elderly Loved One About Moving Into a Nursing Home

Talking to your elderly loved one about moving into a nursing home is a delicate matter, but that does not mean you should put it off. Start talking to your parents and other aging family members about senior living options before it becomes absolutely necessary. You do not want to have to rush the transition. 
Before approaching the conversation, do your research. Take a look at the various types of facilities available in the area. Explore the levels of care provided at each place. Narrow down options based on things such as the financial costs. Having some options to discuss with your loved one when you broach the subject can help them see it as something concrete and not as something completely foreign and unknown. You can showcase the many amenities and benefits that can come with moving into a nursing home.
Do not approach the subject as some kind of ultimatum. Discuss it in the sense that it will be an ongoing conversation about planning for the future. This is one of the many reasons that it is important to have the discussion earlier rather than later. It allows time to have casual conversations about an important and sensitive topic. Creating an open pathway of communication will also allow your loved one to really feel as though they are participating in the decision-making process. People want to have a say in important life decisions such as where they are going to live. Make sure that your loved one knows you are not trying to take this empowerment away from them.
Trying to keep in mind the thoughts and feelings your loved one may be going through is also an important part of keeping the conversation productive. Think about the weight of the impact this type of transition can have on a person. Remain sensitive to these feelings as you go through this process with them.

Estate Planning Attorneys

All too often, we choose to tiptoe or completely avoid difficult subjects. When it comes to long term care for your elderly loved one, tough conversations will need to take place to help ensure everyone is getting the care they need and will need. The nursing home transition can be uncomfortable, but having the kind of care and support available in these facilities can also open up doors for your loved one to have even more independence in their day to day life as well as foster a solid social life and sense of community. At OC Wills & Trusts, our team of elder law attorneys can talk to you about the nursing home transition. We are also well equipped to help you explore your long term care funding options. Contact us today.

Brian Chew, the managing partner of OC Wills & Trust Attorneys, has extensive experience in the areas of estate planning, asset protection planning, business succession planning, and long-term care planning. By devoting his practice to estate planning matters, he has founded a firm that strives to provide exceptional service to its clients by working closely with individuals and their families to create comprehensive and customized estate plans. For the past twenty-five years, Brian has served thousands of clients in the matters of estate planning, wills, and trusts. If you have any questions about this article, you can reach Brian Chew here.